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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Skid Patch Calculator

Skid Patch Chart Calculator



The Skid Patch Calculator is a precious device for cyclists who need to optimize their gear decisions to boost their using expertise and prolong the lifetime of their bike parts. This information supplies a transparent clarification of how the Skid Patch Calculator calculates skid patches, helps you perceive how BikeCalc determines skid patches, and presents suggestions on selecting the suitable gear based mostly in your using type.

Calculating Skid Patches with the Skid Patch Calculator:

  1. Simplifying the Gear Ratio: Step one in calculating skid patches is to simplify the gear ratio to the smallest equal complete quantity ratio. That is achieved by discovering the best widespread divisor (GCD) of the chainring (entrance gear) and the cog (rear gear) and dividing each numbers by the GCD.
  2. Figuring out Skid Patches for Totally different Using Kinds:
    • Single-legged Skidders: For riders who can solely skid with one foot ahead, the variety of skid patches is the same as the denominator of the simplified gear ratio.
    • Ambidextrous Skidders: For individuals who can skid with both foot ahead, the variety of skid patches is decided based mostly on the numerator of the simplified gear ratio: a) If the numerator is even, the variety of skid patches remains to be the denominator. b) If the numerator is odd, the variety of skid patches is the denominator multiplied by 2.


  • 48×20 simplifies to 12×5, leading to 5 skid patches for each single and ambidextrous skidders.
  • 43×18 leads to 18 patches for single skidders however 36 for ambidextrous skidders.
  • 42×16 simplifies to 21×8, leading to 8 patches for single skidders however 16 for ambidextrous skidders.

Selecting the Proper Gear:

  1. Non-skidders: Riders who don’t skid ought to go for even-toothed gears to maximise chain and sprocket life.
  2. Single-legged Skidders: For individuals who skid with just one foot ahead, it’s best to decide on odd-toothed chainrings to maximise the variety of skid patches.
  3. Ambidextrous Skidders: For riders who can skid with both foot ahead, even-toothed gears will be chosen if the simplified gear ratio has an odd numerator. This mixture permits for prolonged drivetrain put on and a doubled variety of skid patches.

In conclusion, the Skid Patch Calculator is a necessary device for cyclists who need to optimize their gear decisions for his or her using type. By understanding how skid patches are calculated and selecting the suitable gear based mostly in your particular person wants, you possibly can improve your using expertise and prolong the lifetime of your bike parts.

Associated: Bicycle Gear Ratio Dynamic Chart

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